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Support Derbyshire Blood Bikes Charity, vote now!

Posted on July 26, 2017 by BBR-David
Posted on July 26, 2017 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Vote For Derbyshire Blood Bikes This Week to Help them win Essential New Charity Funding..

this fantastic initiative run by bikers helps people receive blood all over the UK.

The service is completely run by volunteers and offers a fantastic service to people when they need it most.

Derbyshire Blood Bikes will receive a donation of between 4000 and 25000 pounds should they win. Enough to buy at least one additional motorcycle.

Help Support Bikers doing something great by voting for them this week. Voting is free and your vote could make all the difference.

Here's the link to vote:

Thanks for helping support a great initiative. Please share with all your friends and any other interested parties.

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