Motorcycle Travel Discussion Forum

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What do you look for in a travel motorcycle?

Posted on August 7, 2016 by Wighty
Posted on August 7, 2016 by Wighty (Member Score: 873)

Hi there,

I currently own quite an old Triumph TT600 and I am thinking about getting something else. I like the bike a lot (for me it is Triumphs first proper bang up to date sports bike)

I use this bike with a tank bag and some soft panniers for travel at the moment but I am planning to do a bit more travelling in future and would be interested to know what features are considered important when considering a replacement bike.

The bike will likely be secondhand , not sure of budget exactly yet.


Posted on August 7, 2016 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

The bike you choose is always personal and we all like different things, but some requirements for me (if I can only have one bike, which I don't! :) ) are the following:

Not less than 80hp (for motorways)
Decent tank range (300kms or more)
Comfortable riding position
ABS (very nice when riding in the rain or tired)
Good handling with some kind of suspension adjustment possibilities.
Wheel sizes that allow a selection of tyres to be fitted.
Possibility to fit at least one piece of hard luggage (usually a top box is enough but it other possibilities then more the better)
A bike which is relatively inexpensive and does not attract a lot of attention. Although I love looking at new bikes in the showroom and dream about buying them, actually I prefer something that I can leave on the street in a bad area that I do not need to worry about whether it will be there when I return. I also find that conspiciously expensive bikes are sometimes a social barrier if contact with normal people is what you seek.

There are probably more, but that is a start!

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