Motorcycle Travel Discussion Forum

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waals brabant etc.

Posted on February 28, 2021 by hasjvee
Posted on February 28, 2021 by hasjvee (Member Score: 55)

Hey, first of all, I love the website. It's easy to find and build routes, but...
Is it possible to make changes on routes I have build? Often I plan them on your interactive map only to discover that in reality I find myself on a hardly drivable country road.
It would be a big plus to be able to finetune them. So other users don't run into ugly surprises ;-)

Posted on February 28, 2021 by BBR-David (Member Score: 8909)

Hi hasjvee,

Thanks for giving your feedback.

At the moment, editing routes and trips is not possible but I do have it on my todo list.

I am currently working on a major facelift for the site which I hope will bring it bang up to date, once this is finished I will start going through the feature improvements.

All the best


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