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Corners Star Rating Graphic (2)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.3)
StraightsStar Rating Graphic (3.7)
SceneryStar Rating Graphic (4.3)
VisibilityStar Rating Graphic (4)
Road SurfaceStar Rating Graphic (3.7)
HazardsStar Rating Graphic (2)
Police Presence Star Rating Graphic (3.3)


Have your say....
March 31, 2016 - Star Rating Graphic

If you want a leisure over water ride to a great destination then this is great. If you want a fast ride with curves then this is awful. Sometimes stop and go for miles. Lots of police and the towns use traffic tix as a revenue source so don´t expect to beat the rap, even if you r in the right.

August 25, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

Rode this one today. Lots of police, and way to slow for our taste. When I say slow I mean 55 mph posted yet only moving at 40 with traffic stacked and at times drivers acting out of frustration creating some unsafe driving

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
March 1, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

A ride you can do over and over, if you like coastal rides nothing beats this long coastal stretch. You will be riding next to or above water for miles on end. Stop by the Key West and have lunch and take your picture next to the momument that says you are now at the furthest point south in the United States and only 89 miles from Cuba. Great enjoyable ride with green and blue water

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